Friday, September 28, 2007

Hot Hanna

Hot Hanna Hilton. Only later it has seen, that on distance of a horse roll in whitish a smoke, distant coast it is not so visible also the river in several meters from coast disappears in a white foggy haze. Soon the fog was condensed so densely, that it sex tape was impossible to distinguish anything on distance of several meters. It has rushed, was, to search horse, but to move it became more difficult. Its movements as if Hot Hanna in a fog, it felt the fly who has got in bank with honey. It has hardly made some steps, has stopped, in exhaustion of village sex on a grass, has then laid down, weakened, in hope it is a little to take rest. To rise Hot Hanna could not any more - something pressed on it, pressed with such force that it was impossible to lift a hand, even was breathed hardly.

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